Robin Gairdner Robin Gairdner

6 naciones del pacífico piden una transición justa hacia un "pacífico sin combustibles fósiles" que incluya el refuerzo de la legislación para evitar el ecocidio

In Vanuatu’s capital Port Vila, leaders of 6 Pacific ocean states made an ambitious collective call to phase out fossil fuels, support a rapid and just Pacific transition to renewable energy, and strengthen related legal obligations - including to “prevent Ecocide”.

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Robin Gairdner Robin Gairdner

La conferencia sobre justicia ucraniana aborda la ley de ecocidio

The panel addressed legal mechanisms already available for prosecution of harm to the environment in wartime, their drawbacks and potential for use in the Ukraine context; but also discussed the usefulness for the future of putting in place an international crime of ecocide, something that Ukraine has a keen interest in, and has already strongly supported (see speeches by Ukrainian MPs at the Council of Europe debate in January). 

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Robin Gairdner Robin Gairdner

Un prestigioso instituto jurídico publica una ley modelo sobre ecocidio específica para la UE

After a year and a half of research and drafting, the prestigious European Law Institute (ELI) has published its Report on Ecocide: Model Rules for an EU Directive and a Council Decision.  The model law draws inspiration from the consensus international definition released by the Independent Expert Panel (June 2021, convened by our Foundation) while making adjustments for the European Union context and certain legal considerations relevant to EU law.

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